This is a German M35 helmet. When I got it in my possession it had a strange liner. This helmet also has 2 little holes in the front.
I have posted a question on the world war helmets forum to find out about this helmet, see:
I found a lot of information on
Another interesting website:

Like this on in cascomundi's blog

The picture below shows the strange liner, trough the same forum I found out this liner is from a Belgium FN49 helmet.

This picture shows the ET62 inscription,
ET is the manufacturer Eisenhüttenwerke, the factory was located at Thale.
62 = the size of the helmet.

The picture above shows this helmet is a M35, the air vent hole is finished with a ring pressed in to it.
The picture below shows the liner installed. This is the reproduction liner that didn't fit into the M40.

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