This helmet is no longer made of steel but it's made out of “ballistic nylon”.
“ballistic nylon” is not the same as Kevlar.
The Mark 6 became the standard British combat helmet in 1986.
Name: de Wit
No: 330 57
Helmet Combat
Year 1990/91
Size Large
Nato Stock No:
Serial No: 4990
Batch: 8486
N.P. Coventry
I could only find information about a company called NP Aerospace: see:
In recent years, the Company has been known as NP Aerospace and it is one of the largest thermosetting moulding companies in Europe, manufacturing an extensive range of products for a wide variety of customers in the Defence, Aerospace, Electrical, Automotive and Medical Industries.
The company has been acquired by Morgan Advanced Materials plc and is now known as Morgan Advanced Materials - Composites and Defence Systems. Morgan delivers technical expertise and complimentary materials technologies as well as a global business infrastructure to reach customers worldwide.

Interesting website:
and and
This picture is from Wikipedia and shows a soldier wearing a MK 6 Helmet with camouflage cover.

Continue at part 2