This liner has been made by Firestone.
The headband is made by Steinberg Bros Inc.

Quote from:
The first was DA, which stands for Defense Agency. It ran from 1953 to 1961. It was superceeded by the DSA, which stands for Defense Supply Agency. It was used from 1962 to 1977. After that, the DLA, the Defense Logistics Agency took over from 1978 to 1993. From 1994 to the present, the SPO - System Program Offices have been in charge of procurements.
If your item has a Manufacture's Stamp only - it was made prior to the beginning of the Korean War. A knowledge of when the particular item was used will narrow down the time frame. A date stamp may, or may not be present.
DA stamped items range from the Korean War to very early Vietnam War. Look for a two digit number, typically near the end of the code (it will range from 53 to 61) for the exact year of manufacture of your item.
DSA stamped items introduced a systematic dating process:
1962 thru 1964 - Prefix of DSA-1, Suffix of E6Y (Y=Year)
1965 - Prefix of DSA-1, No Dating Suffix
1966 - Prefix of DSA-100, No Dating Suffix
1967 thru 1977 Prefix of DSA-100, Dating Suffix of YYM (YY=Year, M=Month)
I received more information on my liner from the forum:
Definitely a 1967 Liner without a doubt,the chinstrap was standard first created around 1969 but wasn't fitted as standard until 1975,the shell without seeing it could be from any decade spanning four decades,the only item that was produced in the 1980's obviously is the woodland cover.
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cedvdh, Posté le samedi 25 août 2018 09:36