The Netherlands "Korps Verplegingstroepen"
In 1946 the "Korps Algemene Uitrusting" = "General Equipment Corps" was changed to "Regiment Equipment Troops."
In 1947, the 'Intendance companies" and "canteen troops" were merged into a " Korps Verplegingstroepen" or "Nursing Troops Corps".
In 1951, the " Korps Verplegingstroepen" became the "Intendance".
In 1946 the "Korps Algemene Uitrusting" = "General Equipment Corps" was changed to "Regiment Equipment Troops."
In 1947, the 'Intendance companies" and "canteen troops" were merged into a " Korps Verplegingstroepen" or "Nursing Troops Corps".
In 1951, the " Korps Verplegingstroepen" became the "Intendance".