Die pioniere are a German army unit like the British engineer units, they can bild roads, bridges and many more.
Beret made by: CAP Lunzenauer Mützen GmbH
Year: 1994
Size: 60
Nato Stock Number: 8405-12-151-4528
I found some information about the company at:
Lunzenau is a city in Germany
A short history about the CAP Lunzenauer Mützen GmbH:
In 1918, the cap factory was built by the brothers Bruno and Arthur Kern. In the following years, the company developed into a leading manufacturer of headgear. In 1939, 150 people worked in the factory. After 1945, the factory produced mainly for the Russian army. From 1949, the cap production could be resumed for the population. From 1959 the company existed as a limited partnership with state participation. In 1972, the company was nationalized. During this time approximately 116 workers were employed. After the fall of the plant continued to produce until 1995, since then, the building was empty and abandoned to decay.
Some information about NATO Stock Number
I have learned something about NSN, some more information: NATO Supply Classification Groups
8405 = Outerwear, Men's
12 = Germany

List of German Berets
see also:

Ausbildungszentrum Pioniere
Sie sind hier: Startseite > Dienststellen > Ausbildungskommando > Ausbildungseinrichtungen > Ausbildungszentrum Pioniere
via : www.deutschesheer.de