These pictures show another Canadian Helmet. It's the same as the British MK II. I know this helmet is made in Canada in 1942 by the letters stamped into the metal. GSW = General Steel Wares, the manufacturer from Toronto Ontario in Canada. You can see the MK I stamped below the GSW. The letter A I is the lot code.
The liner in this helmet is not original, it is a post-war dutch liner.
After the war this helmet is re-furbished and re-painted for use by the Dutch Bescherming Bevolking. (Civil Defense)
This one is most likely used by the BB Medical Service, more about these helmets used by the BB see:
continue at part2

continue at part2
Helmliefhebber, Posté le jeudi 17 octobre 2019 08:43
cedvdh a écrit : " "
Merci Ced
Je vais laver ce casque avec de l'eau tiède et Dreft,
et puis je prends de nouvelles photos pour ce blog.
a bientot, peut-être à Ciney