The wz helmet. 2000 is a combat helmet made of composite materials used by the Polish army. It is gradually being withdrawn from service in favor of the wz.2005.
The wz helmet. 2000 is inspired by the German Schubert helmet. Its hull painted green, is of a characteristic shape. The headdress is composed of a profiled strapping and a "hammock" (similar to that of the Helmet wz.67). The sweat band made of black leather is attached with Velcro fasteners. Its ballistic resistance is comparable to other helmets of the same type (> 610 m / s). Its main flaw is limited compatibility with night vision binoculars.
for a complete story about the Wz 2000 see:

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continued at Poland Wz2000 Helmet part 2
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Helmliefhebber, Posté le samedi 26 décembre 2020 21:43
cedvdh a écrit : " "
Merci Ced, et pour toi et votre famille aussi joyeux noel