The liner in this helmet is not original, it is a post-war dutch liner.
After the war this helmet is re-furbished and re-painted for use by the Dutch Bescherming Bevolking. (Civil Defense)
Hopefully, I can obtain an original Canadian-made liner in the future.

I found additional information about General Steel Wares at:

Back to List of Helmets
See also my helmets used by the BB:
Canada Helmet, Steel, Mark II
Canada Helmet, Steel, MKII GSW 1941 Blok Hoofd
United Kingdom Mark III BMB 1944 Dutch BB
The Netherlands M34 Bescherming Bevolking Helmet
The Netherlands MKII BB
The Netherlands MKII BB Block Head
Beret The Netherlands Bescherming Bevolking
cedvdh, Posté le mardi 15 octobre 2019 21:45
super ce casque ww2 Bertie!
bonne semaine:-):-)