This helmet is a gift from a helmet collector I have I met on forum.
He is collecting helmets for many years and knows a lot about them. He is writing a book about helmets and I'm looking forward to get a copy for my bookshelf. I'm very proud to know him and that I have met hem. I can spent hours discussing helmets with hem, his passion for helmets is great.
You can follow him on his blogs:
I'm very happy with this helmet and I have no plans restoring it, I'm going to leave this helmet in this condition.
I do want to find out more about this helmet and post the information in this article.
A lot of information can be found in the book: "The Dutch Steel Helmet 1916-1946" written by Kevin de Joode.
He writes the Netherlands army started the design of a helmet in 1916, based on the french Adrian helmet.
However the were not completely satisfied with the french helmet and the came up with their own design.

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