On of my passions are helmets but I got also interested in military berets.
My special interest is in berets from The Netherlands and Belgium.
Little by little I'm building my collection. What I like about Dutch berets is that the emblems used are standardized in size and shape.
I think The Netherlands started using berets after World War 2, about the same time they started using British style uniforms.
I could be wrong, so correct me if that's the case.
Do not trow away a beret but contact me or send it to me.
Besides information about the beret manufacturer I like to look for information about the units using the emblem on the beret.
Most information I find by using Google, so it could be wrong, always use multiple sources to find actual information.
I enjoy doing this and I include many links to related websites in my articles. Some of the links will get you to websites or blogs of fellow military collectors.
Tags: Nederlandse Baret emblemen, Belgische ABL baret / muts kentekens, emblèmes de béret, insigne
Baretten in gebruik bij het Nederlandse Leger / Baretten in gebruik bij Belgisch leger.
see: tenuevoorschriften krijgsmacht
Koninklijke Marine Uniformen
Landmacht Uniformen
Luchtmacht Uniformen
Some information about NATO Stock Number
I have learned something about NSN, some more information: NATO Supply Classification Groups
List of berets:
United Nations Belgium
United Nations Canada
United Nations New Zealand
United Nations Pakistan
United Nations UNIFIL
United Nations The Netherlands
USA Multinational Force & Observers
Germany/Netherlands 1 GE/NL Corps
Brigade Franco - Allemande

The Netherlands
The Netherlands berets
Belgian Berets listed
2e régiment étranger de parachutistes
Ecole Militair Interarmes
Chasseurs Alpins
German Berets
Itally Bersaglieri
Spain Army