Beret made by K.M.A. in the year 1988
The Netherlands Garrison Cap Mobiele Colonnes

The Mobile Colonnes, initially a separate armed forces, was taken over by the KL in 1963 as corps. The old
emblems were canceled and the above emblem was introduced for the beret and the collar.
The Mobile Colonnes Corps forms a link between the "Civilian Protection" (BB) and the armed forces. It is specially trained and equipped for firefighting, clearance, rescue and medical activities.

An asclepi staff resting at the intersection of a sword (heraldic right) and an ax
which cross heraldically right over left at an angle of 110˚ as well as a
spread flame leaking along the asclepi staff, the sword and the ax.
Moto: "AD Auxilium Appellatus" = "Called to Help"
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Mobile Colonnes Corps 1963 - 1993
Transition to the Royal Netherlands Army in 1963
The name "4th Armed Forces" was of course impressive but in practice it caused many problems.
In order to bypass the intensive contact between the Minister of War and the Commander-in-Chief of the Land Forces,
the RMC will be disbanded as the 4th armed forces. In 1963 it was decided to transfer the Mobile Colonnes in their entirety to the Royal Netherlands Army.
This is the moment that the name KORPS MOBILE COLONNES will be used.
The second joint decision is drawn up during this transition.
The duties and responsibilities are laid down within the decision.
One of the most important detailed arrangements in the decision is, among other things:
· The fact that the organization of the individual columns must be coordinated on the one hand with the organization of the corresponding
government services of the Organization for the Protection of Population
but also with the military standards to be applied in this regard and standards.
Expanding the KMC organization
In 1975 a task is added. The emergency drinking water supply company
Given that the government was of the opinion that measures had to be taken to safeguard the drinking water supply
in “extraordinary circumstances”, the Ministry of Health and Environmental Hygiene at that time decided to implement part of the KMC of the rules.
MC-BWR fuss During the reorganization of disaster relief, the tasks are redistributed.
The KMC is not assigned a fire department task in the distribution.
Until 1 January 1987, the KMC still has a declining number of mobile fire brigades in the organization.
The final exercise of a fire brigade column is held on September 15, 1983 in Utrecht.
Change MC-ORD
In 1967 a name change takes place for the MC-ORD. This is transformed into MC-Rescue.
The pioneer company will be dissolved with this change.
The capacity of this company is distributed among the rescue companies as a mechanical equipment platoon and pioneer groups in a support platoon.
Merging MC-Rescue and MC-Medicine
In 1971 there is a merging of the mobile columns rescue / medical The philosophy behind the merging into mixed columns
is to obtain a better coordination in the disaster area between the elements rescue and medical care.
With this change, the water purification platoons are also no longer included in the MC.
The consequences of the change are:
· 6x MC Rescue and 5x MC-Gd are transformed into 12x MC Rescue / Medical
· Each mixed MC includes: o 1x staff care company o 2x rescue company o 2x medical company
· a rescue platoon for each rescue company introduced in which, in addition to 3 pioneering groups,
a construction machine group with overhead loader, motor hammer and motor drill and a compressor group is included.
After the abolition of the BB and the division of tasks within the disaster management, it was necessary to reorganize again.
The number of MC-Rdg / Gnk is being expanded to 19 units. In addition, 12x ambulance companies are set up in connection with the assigned wound transport task.
This reorganization has never been fully implemented.
Already in 1990 the decision was made to reduce the number to 15.
It is also decided to place the independent ambulance companies as a wounded transport company in the MC-Rdg / Gnk.
KMC end
The end came very abruptly.
In the spring of 1991 it is stated that the right of existence of the KMC is not under discussion.
In September 1991 it was decided that the Mobile Colonnes Corps would be discontinued with effect from 1 January 1993.