Belgian Beret Bataljon Bevrijding 5de Linie
The Liberation - 5 Line Battalion
Text on insigne: "Regt BVR 5LI"
In 1994 the battalions Bevrijding and 5de Linie where merged to "The Liberation - 5 Line Battalion"
The Liberation - 5 Line Battalion from Leopoldsburg has 550 soldiers. This infantry unit belongs to the Medium Brigade.
Their missions are:
- Aid to the nation in case of disasters or catastrophes.
- Armed military deployment on national territory, for example in the fight against terror.
-Evacuation of countrymen from crisis areas.
- International humanitarian relief.
- Peacekeeping or imposing operations of NATO or the UN
- Collective defense of NATO or the EU.
The motto of the Battalion Liberation - 5 Line is: = "Trouw en trots - Versagen niet, verslagen nooit."
Loyalty and pride - Never fail, never defeated.

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Bataljon Bevrijding - 5 Linie Official channel: