The Netherlands Garrison Cap "Mobiele Colonnes"
My intention at this moment is not to start a collection of Garrison Caps but this one I have added to my collection because it is wearing the same emblem type as used on the Army Berets.
I also will present the succesor of this Garrison Cap which was a normal Army Beret.
Garrison Cap:
Made by Pettenfabriek J.P.Mol N.V. in Breda
in the year 1961
MITIN = the product us to protect the cap against moths

The mobile Colonnes formed a separate armed forces part at the time of the establishment and therefore used the field cap as a headgear. The emblem is therefore of smaller dimensions (4.7 x 3.8 cm) than is customary for the beret emblems.

Return to List of Berets
In 1954 it was decided to set up the RIJKS MOBILE COLONNES.
The intention is to staff these columns with volunteers.
However, the volunteerism among the civilian population is so low that these columns never got off the ground.
The volunteer is willing to be active in his own environment, but not far from home.
However, the columns must be manned. A unique solution is being devised for this.
On August 1, 1955, it was decided to staff the National Mobile Colonnes with soldiers.
The military personnel is supplied from all armed forces. (Navy, Land and Air Force)
The General Inspector comes under the Minister of War.
(The 4th armed forces was born with this provision)
The financing of the M.C.s is done by the Minister of the Interior.
The first temporary M.C. depot is opened at the Golflinks camp in Arnhem.
As of March 1, 1956, the Depot of K.M.C. housed in the army place Laren (now Crailo).
Rijks Mobile Colonnes (The fourth power)
Period 1955 - 1963 The Mobile Colonnes are staffed with reserve and militia personnel from land, sea and air forces,
who have completed the first exercise and have no mobilization destination.
Every year +/- 4000-4500 conscripts are made available, which means that the training of all Mobile Colonnes
(total strength +/- 17,000 men) takes more than 4 years.
Command and control The M.Cs. under the command of a Major General, the General Inspector also Commander of the Mobile Colonnes,
who is assisted by a staff.
The officers belonging to the Staff consist for the most part of professional staff.)
Armament The personnel of the Mobile Colonnes is armed so that it is able to defend itself against the possible action of,
for example, enemy parachutists, as a result of which assisting racing pillars are not at risk of being hindered by a
single parachutist in its assistance task. All officers are armed with a gun, half of the non-commissioned
officers with a stengun as well as one in every 6 men.
The personnel belonging to the M.C.'s wears the military army uniform with a distinctive insignia established especially for the M.C.:
A blue-rimmed black shield on the right sleeve with the letters M.C. (yellow) encased in green laurel wreath.

The army cap is replaced by the Airforce Garrison Side Cap in the color of the battledress army.
The letters M.C.
Shoulder strap is worn in the color of the service.
o Red = Fire department column
o Yellow = Clearance and Rescue column
o Green = Medical Column

M.C. Fire brigade (676 men)
A moving Fire brigade column consists of a staff, a staff and care detachment and 4 fire extinguishers.
The 4 extinguishing companies each have 3 platoons of 4 Diesel Fire Engines.
Column = 48 Fire Engines i.e. 24 Fire Engines Trucks and 24 fire engine trailers
Hose capacity = +/- 36 Km.
Spraying capacity = 2400-2800 L / min. With a manometric head of 80 M.
Magirus tool truck
Daf truck for transport of two fire-fighting teams, 18 seats, front-mounted pump and
a fire engine trailer ensure a very long vehicle
In water-poor areas additional hose cars for transporting 4 "and 6" hoses
have been added for water transport over greater distances.
Number of moving M.C. Fire brigades is 11
Total number of Fire Engine Trucks = 264
Fire Engine trailer= 264
Sailing M.C. Fire brigade (330 people)
The sailing M.C.Fire Brigade has 36 Fire Engines, which are distributed over 18 fire boats.
These fire-fighting boats are demanded by the M.C. upon announcement of the mobilization.
Founded in 1960
Ended in 1961
M.C. Clearance and Rescue Service (1015 men)
De M.C. ORD consists of a staff, a staff and care detachment (with the peloton water treatment plants classified),
4 rescue companies and 1 pioneer company. 1 Rescue company consists of 3 platoons á 4 rescue teams
1 Pioneer company consists of 4 platoons á 3 pioneer teams
The platoon of water treatment plants consists of 3 water treatment plants (1x Paterson and 2x Berkefeld installations).
The installations can supply +/- 30 M3 reliable drinking water per hour.
The organization of this platoon is designed to work continuously for days on end.
Each M.C. ORD does not have the same number of overhead loaders.
The number varies from 0 to 7 depending on the location, which is intended for the column during mobilization.
The overhead loader is a combination of dozer and rubble digger and is practically indispensable for making roads heavily blocked by rubble.
A 3-ton tipper truck, positioned behind the overhead loader, is filled with debris in 4 to 5 minutes.
There are 4 operators per overhead loader, so that work can continue continuously for days on end.
Total number of Fiat angle reader overhead loader (Puinhapper) = 44 M.C.
Medical Service (685 men) De M.C. –GD consists of a staff, a staff- also care detachment and 5 companies.
Each company consists of 2 platoons (equals 2 Mobile MGG Medical Groups) 3 platelets are added to each platoon.
11 fire brigade columns number 1 to 11
6 clearance and rescue columns number 31 to 36
5 medical columns number 51 to 55
Continue at The Netherlands Beret Korps Mobiele Colonnes